New Water Fountain. It’s actually a tap where you can fill your water bottle (June 2016)
New garden next to the cafe (June 2015)
Wheelchair Accessible Picnic Table (Spring 2015 and more 2 more added spring 2016.)
Toronto’s first Shipping Container Cafe in a park (September 2015). Our cafe and market is run by Aangen Community Centre, a non-profit that funds great programs both here and abroad. Stop by for a delicious drink, snack or meal. There are also fresh farm products available.
Winter 2015 outdoor skating rink.
The new playground is open. Let the playing begin!
We won an award! At the 2013 Big on Bloor festival, City Councillor Ana Bailão presented Friends of McCormick Park with an award for our community service work. (July 2013)
We got lowered curbs installed at the crosswalk on Brock.
Boulders in McCormick park. Nice for reading, picnics, and chatting with friends.
Our Bocce ball court is open. Bocce balls can be borrowed from the community centre – ask for them at the front desk. We also have two new picnic tables next to the court.
Community involvement! We joined Councillor Ana Bailão on her Community Compost Day to present the draft of our Master Plan to the community and get some feedback. Using our “dotmocracy board” our neighbours were able to let us know what they hoped to see in our new playground, as well as ideas and suggestions for the rest of the park. We also set up a table at the Dundas West Festival where we received even more feedback.
More community involvement. Kids from the Grove School spent a day adding mulch to the trees and making signs to remind everyone about the importance of trees in our neighbourhood.
We created a survey to find out how McCormick Park was being used and what people would like to see in the park in the future. The survey (in four languages) was distributed in print at neighbourhood events, in the community centre, and by volunteers who went door to door. It was also online.
These new vines planted along the wall of the arena will add fresh air and more green to our park. (Update: The vines didn’t make it, but our garden committee planted a new, beautiful garden.)
McCormick Park’s first skating rink in almost 20 years!
Our first annual Pumpkin Parade! Thanks for coming out on such a cold night.
Bake sale fundraiser for a bocce ball court.
We got the water fountain fixed! (Update: The water fountain was removed during the playground renovation and a new one was finally installed in Spring 2016 – see above.)
Park benches – painted and repaired.
This is a bollard – it stops cars from driving through the park. (Update summer 2015 – It was nice while it lasted, but the the bollard has disappeared and so far attempts at having it replaced have failed.)
New trees, with mulch and gator bags (for proper watering) – part of our Adopt-A-Tree Program.
Flag football game for neighbourhood teens.